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Performing Arts & Arts And Crafts

  • Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club
  • 718.824.9090
Age 6-18
Cost Free
Program type After School
Food provided Yes
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Performing Arts & Arts And Crafts

  • Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club
  • 718.824.9090


To enrich and enhance the quality of life for young people by providing educational and developmental programs.


Programs in performing arts and visual craft are offered.

Performing Arts
Participants will receive instruction in dance, drama, and music, as well as, participate in recitals and events to showcase their work. In addition, select students will be a part of the Music Production classes. Music Production are guided classes where members learn how create their own music.

Arts and Crafts
Members receive instruction on the various aspects of art. Through age appropriate activities, members learn how to draw, paint, and create various art projects.


Special Emphasis On Youngsters Between Ages 6-18 Who Come From Disadvantaged Or Disenfranchised Circumstances.