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Summer Strings & Piano Workshop

  • Brooklyn-Queens Conservatory of Music
  • 718.622.3300 x211
Age 8-16
Cost $575; Aftercare $100
Program type Summer
Meets July 18- 22 (5 Days) From 8:30am-4pm | Aftercare 4pm-5pm

Summer Strings & Piano Workshop

  • Brooklyn-Queens Conservatory of Music
  • 718.622.3300 x211


Transforming lives and building community through the expressive, educational and therapeutic powers of music.


This five-day workshop will focus on strengthening reading skills, exposure/experience playing ensemble repertoire, ensemble skills, and fun!

A drop-off workshop open to violin, viola, cello, guitar and piano students playing at level late Suzuki book 1 and up and NYSMA level 1 and up. (Students age seven by July 1 may be eligible with Suzuki Director’s recommendation.)

Minimum 20 total participants; minimum six per instrument

Sample schedule:
8:30 – 9 AM Drop Off
9:00 – 10:15 AM Rehearsal/Masterclass/Technique
10:30 – 11:45 AM Rehearsal/Masterclass/Technique
12 – 1 PM Lunch
1:15 – 2 PM Elective
2:15 – 3 PM Elective

3:15 – 4 PM Combined rehearsal/Daily Showcase
4 – 5 PM After Care


8- 16 Years