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Young Men Of Color Media Fellowship

  • Downtown Community Television (DCTV)
  • (212) 966-4510
Age 18-24
Cost Free
Program type After School
Meets Fridays, 4-6pm
Gender M
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Young Men Of Color Media Fellowship

  • Downtown Community Television (DCTV)
  • (212) 966-4510


PRO-TV is the largest most honored free media arts training program for youth in New York City.


Students will be encouraged to develop more positive reflections of young men of color. They will participate in conversations about the representation of young men of color in television, movies, music and news media. They will also be given the opportunity to take ownership and recreate images of young Black and Latino men. Students will study media literacy, media production, and investigate their own lives with a working male artist of color.


Young Men In Nyc, Ages 18-24