Brotherhood Sister Sol
- 512 W 143rd St. , Manhattan , NY 10031
We provide comprehensive, holistic and long-term support services to youth.
Organizing: To prepare youth for community leadership for both today and the future, we developed the Organizing Program. This program is for members of Bro/Sis who have a demonstrated an interest in activism. Members are selected through an intensive application and interview process designed to ensure serious commitment to community development.
Fair Policing/Community Organizing Program: The Brotherhood/Sister Sol (BHSS) has been centrally involved in organizing to reform the New York City Police Department’s (NYPD) “Stop and Frisk” policy.
The Liberation School: The Liberation School is a 4-week training that takes place each summer for youth 14-17. Throughout the training, members develop skills to identify problems within their community, analyze solutions and act to create positive social change.
Environmental Program: For well over a decade, The Brotherhood-Sister Sol has been actively engaged in the urban gardening & farming movement. We are the caretakers of the Frank White Memorial Garden located adjacent to our headquarters and have been responsible for developing the 7,000 sq/ft lot into a Environmental Learning Center that includes a functional Urban Farm (producing more than 20 varieties of fruits and vegetables), a Green House, a Group Challenge Course, as well as recreational seating and performing areas. All of these features have been co-designed and constructed by our youth members and local community residents.