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After School Arts & Writing

  • Abrons Art Center
  • 212.598.0400
Age 14-18
Program type After School
Meets After School
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After School Arts & Writing

  • Abrons Art Center
  • 212.598.0400


The Abrons supports the presentation of innovative, multi-disciplinary work. The Abrons cultivates artists in all stages of their creative development through educational programs and residencies.


Our classes and workshops provide students with progressive, experiential learning experiences in the performing, visual, literary, and media arts.

After school students in our AMPLIFY program explore multi-disciplinary art forms while developing artistic literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills. Offerings include theater ensembles, dance training, studio art intensives, and musical instruction.

The RESPOND program teaches students to analyze and interpret artworks through text-based responses. Aligning with the Common Core State Standards, RESPOND workshops begin with a visit to the Abrons for a performance, tour of our galleries, or studio visits with our artists-in-residence.


In School Programming.