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Artsconnection Student Art Program

  • ArtsConnection
  • 212.302.7433
Age 10-18
Cost Free
Program type Summer, After School
Contact us
Deadline Oct. 24, 2017

Artsconnection Student Art Program


ArtsConnection Teen Programs provide young people with various art-going, art-making and writing opportunities that challenge them intellectually and socially, helping them to develop greater college and career readiness skills, extending their experience beyond the classroom. Our program attracts 20,000 young people each year through High 5 Tickets to the Arts, Teen Advisory Council, Teen Reviewers and Critics, Student Art Program, Pizza and a Movie and Internships.


The Student Art Program is an ongoing exhibition program with eight exhibition opportunities a year for NYC public school students in 6th-12th grade to showcase your artwork. The Student Art Program sends OPEN CALLS for thematic exhibitions that are curated, framed and installed in the offices of corporate partners. Each exhibition begins with an opening reception, where each artist receives an award and can meet fellow NYC artists. Other exhibition opportunities include Teens Curate Teens and Art 2 Art.

We send out a call for art about 3 times a year. The best way to hear about deadlines and other opportunities is to send us an email so we can put your name on our mailing list.

New exhibition themes and submission deadlines will be announced in early Fall 2017.


A Student Artist Must Work With A Teacher At Their School To Apply.