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Bkysc After-School Academy

  • Brooklyn Youth Sports Club
Age 14-18
Cost Free
Program type After School
Meets After School
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Deadline Rolling

Bkysc After-School Academy

  • Brooklyn Youth Sports Club


To build an enriching educational setting for economically disadvantaged youth, using athletics as a vehicle to inspire them to fulfill their academic, physical, and personal potential.


The program uses extracurricular activities, namely basketball, as a vehicle to engage participants in academic and other “off-the-court” activities.

The year-round program is broken down into four seasonal sessions (Fall Academy, Winter Academy, Spring Academy, & Summer Academy) and is designed to meet the academic needs of each individual participant.

The wide spectrum of academic areas address include literacy, homework help, individual and group tutoring, SAT/ACT prep, Regents Prep, and an array of curriculum-based classes that uses relevant and engaging subject matter to inspire students to think critically and to apply their learning to the real world.