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Campos Plaza Community Center

Age 10-25
Cost Free
Program type After School,Weekend,Summer
Languages English And Spainsh
Food provided Yes
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Deadline Rolling

Campos Plaza Community Center


University Settlement programs help more than 3,000 children, teens, and adults develop, grow, and fill potentially idle hours with enriching recreational and educational activities. All programs is free, including our summer camp and after school.


The Campos plaza Community Center offers a range of enriching programs that include the arts, robotics, athletics, video gaming, mentoring programs, adult programs, summer camp, after school, field trips, open gym, teen center and the list goes on. All services we provide at Campos are completely free. We also offer free snacks and meals for our elementary and teen participants. Some examples include:

* Evening and Saturday programs for teens 13-17 years, including sports (basketball, softball, volleyball), dance, ceramics, portfolio preparation, music, movie nights, summer youth employment application assistance, self defense, and cooking.
* Mentorship program for young men