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Coderdojo Nyc

  • Coder Dojo
Age 7-17
Cost Free. Suggested Donations Cover Food & Drinks For The Event
Program type Weekend
Food provided Yes
Contact us

Coderdojo Nyc

  • Coder Dojo


Our mission is to create a fun, collaborative environment to explore STEM*.


CoderDojo NYC is a volunteer organization which provides open access for exploring, developing and teaching web, game and app development skills to youth ages 7 to 17.

Create web pages (parts of websites) with HTML, CSS and Javascript in Thimble.
Scratch: Learn visual programming by creating stories, games, & animations.
littleBits: Build and play with electronic modules that snap together with tiny magnets.
Arduino: Create projects with an electronic prototyping platform and hardware.


Youth Under 13 Must Be Accompanied By An Adult At All Times

How to apply

Registration For Each Event Is Announced Through Our Newsletter 2 Weeks Prior To An Event.