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College Now At Bmcc

  • Borough of Manhattan Community College
  • (212) 346-8489
Age 16-18
Cost Free
Program type After School, Weekend, Summer
Contact us
Deadline May 31, 2017

College Now At Bmcc

  • Borough of Manhattan Community College
  • (212) 346-8489


Our goal is to provide students a head start in college while also helping them improve their level of academic achievement in high school.


Students who participate in College Now, attain a valuable opportunity to experience the richness of college life while still in high school. While taking free college credit courses, College Now at BMCC not only strives to help students save time and money, but to also help push them ahead of their academic peers. Earning college credit in high school will help to make students’ college applications stand out amongst the best and the brightest.

With the chance to take on academic challenges and to participate in a wide range of cultural activities, our students can expect to have an easier transition into higher education, as well as improving their likelihood of graduating from college.


You Must Be A Junior Or A Senior In A Nyc Public School. Preference Given To Students From The Following High Schools: Academy Of Environmental Science Secondary School Broome Street Academy Business Of Sports School Central Park East High School Essex Street Academy Harvey Milk High School High School For Dual Language And Asian Studies Hudson High School Of Learning Technologies International High School At Union Square Leadership & Public Service High School Manhattan Bridges High School Marte Valle Secondary High School, The Millennium High School Murry Bergtraum High School New Design High School Unity Center For Urban Technologies Urban Assembly Academy Of Government And Law, The Urban Assembly Gateway School For Technology Urban Assembly Maker Academy Virtual Enterprise Washington Irving High School