Torus is currently available for New York City. Tell us to come to your city next

Age 14-18
Program type After School
Meets Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 2:36 Pm To 5:30 Pm On The 6th Floor.
Specific needs

At risk, low income

Contact us
Deadline Rolling


To empower youth and their families by creating a culture of learning through high quality social, cultural, and education opportunities.


High School Students: Register Today for the College Bound Program! Reach your potential at Casita Maria! College Bound offers: Tutoring, College Trips/Visits, SAT Prep, Resume Building & Internships, Professional Meet & Greets, Dance/Sports & Writing/Speaking Activities, College Athletic Greatness.


For 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th Graders! Please Bring A Student Id When Picking-Up An Application Or Have A Parent/Guardian Accompany You.