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College Directions Program

  • Riverdale Neighborhood House
  • 718-549-8100 ext.112
Age 14-20
Cost Free
Program type After School,Weekend,Summer
Meets Varies
Food provided Yes
Contact us
Deadline Rolling

College Directions Program

  • Riverdale Neighborhood House
  • 718-549-8100 ext.112


Riverdale Neighborhood House, a settlement house in the northwest Bronx, provides human services, pioneering programs and a broad spectrum of educational and community resources to children, teens, seniors and families from all socioeconomic backgrounds. Responsive to the ever-changing needs of a multicultural population, RNH serves as a center for community outreach and addresses the needs of individuals and families at every stage of life.


This service based program focuses on preparing High School students to navigate the college application process, including FREE college access advising services, free workshops, and college trips, and reduced fee KAPLAN SAT Prep Courses. Our Academic Resource Center (ARC) is a FREE program for H.S. students who need one on one help in Math, Science, English and one-on-one help proofreading their college essays.


All High School Students