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College Now At Medgar Evers College

  • Medgar Evers College
  • 718.270.6413
Age 14-18
Cost Free
Program type After School, Weekend, Summer
Contact us
Deadline June 9, 2017

College Now At Medgar Evers College

  • Medgar Evers College
  • 718.270.6413


We aim to promote college awareness and strengthens academic preparation in order to expand students’ capacity for a successful transition to college.


The program is designed to help high school students with their transition to college by exposing them to college level work and college life. High school students are given the opportunity to accrue college credits through an array of course offerings and are provided with classes designed to improve their reading, writing, and math skills.

College Now offers many activities and opportunities including:
Academic courses (both for high school and college credit)
Campus-based tours and cultural events, such as theater or dance performances.
Exclusive scholarship offers.

The College Now program at Medgar Evers College offers a wide range of courses from life sciences to liberal arts. These courses include pre-college course and college credit courses. Approximately 250 students apply each semester. Students come from all across the central Brooklyn area and even across all five boroughs.


Preference Given To Students From The Following High Schools: Academy Of Business And Community Development Achievement First University Prep High School Acorn Community High School Bedford Academy High School Bedford Stuyvesant Preparatory High School Benjamin Banneker Academy Brooklyn Academy High School Brooklyn Collegiate: A College Board School Brooklyn Frontiers High School Brooklyn High School For Law & Technology Brooklyn High School For Leadership And Community Service Brooklyn High School For Science & Environment Brooklyn High School Music And Theatre Brooklyn Lab School Brooklyn Theatre Arts High School Brownsville Academy High School Frederick Douglass Academy Iv Secondary School High School For Global Citizenship, The High School For Youth And Community Development @ Erasmus International High School @ Prospect Heights International High School At Lafayette Juan Morel Campos Secondary School Khalil Gibran International Academy Liberation Diploma Plus High School Lyons Community School Medgar Evers College Preparatory School Metropolitan Diploma Plus High School Paul Robeson High School Business Technology Roads Charter High School I School For Classics: An Academy Of Thinkers, Writers And Performers Teachers Preparatory High School W.E.B Dubois Academic High School World Academy For Total Community Health Yabc (Young Adult Borough Center) At Thomas Jefferson High School