Torus is currently available for New York City. Tell us to come to your city next

Age 15-19
Cost Free
Program type After School
Meets 1 Day A Week (Monday — Thursday), 2 Hours A Day (No Later Than 4:00–6:00pm), 1 Semester (Minimum Of 10 Times At Dorot)
Languages None
Contact us
Deadline Rolling


DOROT alleviates social isolation among the elderly and provides services to help them live independently as valued members of the community. We serve the Jewish and wider community, bringing the generations together in a mutually beneficial partnership of elders, volunteers and professionals. Our work provides an effective model for others.


Teens help alleviate loneliness and social isolation of DOROT's seniors through a variety of hands-on experiences in the community and onsite at DOROT.

Teen Interns may:

-visit seniors in their home for companionship.
-teach seniors how to use a computer, iPad, iShuffle, and other types of technology.
-celebrate seniors’ birthdays.
-deliver meals to seniors.
-send birthday cards out to seniors.
-read to visually impaired seniors.
-shop and delivery groceries to seniors.
-play chess, cards, scrabble, and other games with seniors.
-assist with office work at DOROT.
-take part in a variety of other opportunities and experiences.


Eligibile Teens Are In 9th-12th Grades.