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Fellows Program

  • America Needs You
  • (212) 571-0202
Age 18-22
Cost Free
Program type Weekend
Meets Saturdays, 10:00am To 4:00pm.
Specific needs

Immigrant services

Contact us

Fellows Program

  • America Needs You
  • (212) 571-0202


We fight for economic mobility for ambitious, first-generation college students by providing transformative mentorship and intensive career development.


The Fellows Program is an intensive two-year program for high-achieving, low-income, first-generation college students. It offers students (Fellows) career development workshops, access to internships, and professional development grants. All Fellows are matched one-on-one with a successful and motivated professional “Mentor Coach” dedicated to their personal and professional growth. Mentor Coaches and Fellows work together to cultivate the Fellows’ strengths and interests, and direct them into successful careers.

Earn up to $2,000 in professional development grants
Access to summer internships at prestigious companies and organizations
Receive individualized support from a Mentor Coach
Obtain in-kind services and products such as free business attire and subsidized test preparation
Network with leading industry professionals

Fellows attend 28 full-day workshops over two years, where they receive intense career development and leadership training. Workshops cover topics such as resumes, cover letters, interviewing, public speaking, and relationship management.


We Invite All Applicants Who Meet The Following Criteria To Apply To Be A Fellow. Neither Of My Parents/Guardians Have A Bachelor’S Degree (From Any Country); I Am A U.S. Citizen, Permanent Resident, Or Eligible For Full-Time Work In The U.S. By July 2016; I Am A Freshman Attending 4-Year Or Community College; If Applying In New York You Must Attend A Cuny School If Attending Community College, You Must Intend To Transfer To A 4-Year School I Am In The Process Of Obtaining My First Associate’S Or Bachelor’S Degree; I Am Available To Attend Regular Saturday Workshops (Workshops Occur Bi-Weekly In Year 1 Starting In July; Monthly In Year 2); I Am Considered Low-Income By Hud Standards.

How to apply

Applications Open In September And Close March 1.