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Free Community Tennis Program

  • New York Junior Tennis and Learning
  • 347-417-8177
Age 5-18
Cost Free
Program type Weekend, After School, Summer
Meets Varies
Contact us
Deadline Rolling

Free Community Tennis Program

  • New York Junior Tennis and Learning
  • 347-417-8177


NYJTL’s mission is to develop the character of young people through tennis and education for a lifetime of success on and off the court.


NYJTL’s Community Tennis Program is for children and teens between the ages of 5 and 18.
All levels from beginner to advanced.
Anywhere in NYC (see sites and seasons on the website)
District 75 (special needs) students are always welcome.
The only thing participants need to bring are sneakers and bottled water.

Participation in the Community Tennis Program gives kids lots of advantages:
Healthy physical activity
A sense of accomplishment as they master a complex skill
Grit, stamina, and persistence.
An antidote to the “summer slump” in our summer reading club
A safe place to have fun

We provide all equipment for use during the FREE training session.
There is no charge for use of the rackets.
Tournaments and events are planned for all ages during every season.
Specific Daily schedules based on ages & ability levels are established by the Site Director at the time of registration.

Registration must be IN PERSON
Registration available only at the sites on the days and times of each location's hours of operation
No application required
No one is turned way or wait-listed


All Levels From Beginner To Advanced Welcome. District 75 (Special Needs) Students Are Always Welcome. The Only Thing Participants Need To Bring Are Sneakers And Bottled Water.