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Harkness Dance Center, 92y

  • 92nd Street Y
  • 212.415.5551
Age 3-18
Cost $450 - $700
Program type After School, Summer, Weekend
Meets Check Individual Classes For Meeting Times.
Deadline Rolling

Harkness Dance Center, 92y

  • 92nd Street Y
  • 212.415.5551


92nd Street Y is a world-class cultural and community center where people all over the world connect through culture, arts, entertainment and conversation.


Students 3-18 years of age experience the joy of dance with classes in which they can perform and choreograph Afro-Caribbean, ballet, Duncan technique, hip-hop, jazz, modern, social dance, theater dance and tap.


Admission To Classes Beyond Beginning Level Is By Recommendation Of The Previous 92nd Street Y Teacher Or By Permission Of The Director.