Torus is currently available for New York City. Tell us to come to your city next

Age 18-24
Cost Free
Program type Weekday
Meets 14 Weeks, Monday-Friday From 9:00-4:00.
Contact us
Deadline Rolling


Opening doors to technology careers for individuals from often overlooked communities - Now in Brooklyn and Bronx


From operating systems and mobile devices to firewalls and the cloud, IT Support prepares you for the CompTIA A+ and Network+ certifications and entry into the field as a support technician. A weekly focus on topics like interviewing skills and customer service advance your professional development.

We all know technology moves fast. The Per Scholas curriculum keeps up. Today we incorporate virtualization, mobility and security---concepts that use to be considered more advanced are now required knowledge for every level tech. At Per Scholas, you’ll learn each new skill by practicing it yourself because 75% of the coursework is hands on. Classes are small, so your instructor can always help if you need it.

By the time you finish, you’ll be prepared to pass CompTIA’s A+ and Network+ certification exams and meet qualifications for an entry-level job in IT support.

The course includes four days of technical instruction and one day of professional development. Review the syllabus for the specifics.


To Apply You Must: Live In Nyc Be 18 Years Old Or Older Have A High School Diploma Or Ged Be A Us Citizen Or Permanent Resident, Or Authorization To Work In The Us Be Available For All-Day Training Sessions For The Length Of The Program Be Unemployed Work Only Part-Time Work In A Minimum Wage Or Other Low-Paying Job Work Only Sometimes Throughout The Year Receive Any Public Benefits Such As Unemployment Insurance, Medicaid, Subsidized Housing, Nutrition Or Income Support No Prior It Or Web Development Experience Needed