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Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club Programs

  • Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club
  • 718.824.9090
Age 6-18
Cost Free
Program type After School
Meets Monday - Friday 3-6pm Day Center Ages 6-12 Saturday 2pm To 9pm Program Will Be Available For Participants Of All Ages On Saturdays. Sunday 6pm To 11pm Teens Programming Only On Sundays.
Food provided Yes
Contact us
Deadline Rolling

Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club Programs

  • Kips Bay Boys & Girls Club
  • 718.824.9090


To enrich and enhance the quality of life for young people by providing educational and developmental programs.


Programs provide our members with academic, physical, and social enrichment.

Literacy Program
The Literacy Program uses computers and technology to engage the members in interactive learning.

SMART Moves/Passport to Manhood
(Skills, Mastery, and Resistance Training) is a nationally acclaimed prevention program. Members will be exposed to various activities designed to hone their decision-making and critical thinking skills, as well as, learn how to avoid and/or resist peer pressure the members may face.

Triple Play/Healthy Habits
These activities are solely based on recreational activities that promote healthy living and physical recreation. Through a curriculum which helps emphasize the importance of eating healthy and exercising, members learn about food groups, in addition to learning the proper way to exercise.


Special Emphasis On Youngsters Between Ages 6-18 Who Come From Disadvantaged Or Disenfranchised Circumstances.