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Language & Literacy

  • Phipps Community Development Corporation
  • 347.329.3929
Age 16-24
Cost Free
Program type Year Round, Weekday
Contact us
Deadline Rolling

Language & Literacy

  • Phipps Community Development Corporation
  • 347.329.3929


Phipps Neighborhoods, provides children, youth and families in low-income neighborhoods the opportunities they need to thrive through comprehensive education and career programs, and access to community services.


Phipps Neighborhoods provides English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and Pre-High School Equivalency (HSE) & HSE prep classes to help participants learn English and work toward a high school diploma while building practical life and work-ready skills. Language & Literacy participants have easy access to other Phipps Neighborhoods programs and services, such as college advisement, computer instruction, tutoring, and financial counseling.
Literacy Connection

Literacy Connection helps young adults overcome literacy problems, acquire a diploma, and improve their employment prospects. The program are specially designed for young adults aged 16-24 who read between a 4th and 8th grade level and are not currently in school or employed. An intensive program of classroom instruction helps participants qualify for a HSE program, while work-readiness training prepares them for future employment


For Young Adults Aged 16-24 Who Read Between A 4th And 8th Grade Level And Are Not Currently In School Or Employed