Leading Youth To Find Empowerment
- Filipino American Human Services, Inc.
- (718) 883-1295
FAHSI is dedicated to improving the social conditions and enhancing the self-reliance of the Filipino and Filipino American communities of New York City.
LYFE’s primary goals of the program are to enhance and support academic achievement, develop leadership skills, promote positive youth development, as well as strengthen the youth’s community awareness and involvement.Plan B (Preparing for Life And New Beginnings) – College/Life PreparatoryPlan B is a program that encourages students to explore life after high school and expand their academic and professional horizons. Interactive workshops include various topics such as financial aid, managerial perspective, scholarships, loans, resume writing, interviewing skills. Practice SAT and testing strategies will be offered throughout the year for registered students.
Youth Voice (Visions Of Identity & Community Empowerment) – Performing & Visual ArtsYouth Voice’s primary goal is to encourage performing & visual arts as a venue for self-expression and cultural identity. Classes and workshops that will enhance the diversity of arts include dance, acting, writing and visual arts. Classes range from cultural and modern dance to creative writing and photography.
Peer-to-Peer Support and Education NetworkPeer-to-Peer Support and Education Network is designed to encourage networking among the youth participants as well as develop organizing skills to work with outside youth organizations. Outside youth organizations can include other community based organizations, and High School clubs. Peer-to-peer network sessions (Youth Dialogues) will be conducted to provide supportive and conducive forum for young people to discuss problems and challenges with their peers. Peer educators will facilitate discussions of pertinent topics of concern, such as dealing with emotional stress, sexuality and teen pregnancy.
Venturing Crew 612
Sponsored by the Boy Scouts of America, Venturing Crew 612 is a co-ed youth led organization of youth participants whose focuses are community service and leadership training. Crew members are between the ages of 13-21. Major projects and activities include fundraising and community service projects.
High School Interns
FAHSI is providing internships to qualified Jr. and Sr. High School students. The main focus of the internship is to develop practical skills and acquire work experience. Interns will be asked to work for a certain amount of hours depending of the season that they are interning. Each intern will be assigned to a specific activity or project in the LYFE program.
Youth Advisory Council
Youth Advisory Council is designed to give the Youth a sense of responsibility as well as build leadership skills that will help mold the future of the Youth Programs and Services provided by FAHSI. Various workshops and trainings will be giving to build leadership skills as well as train the participants for Peer-to Peer Support and Educational Network and planning various events. Meetings for group projects will also be held to organize projects such as FAHSI’s Youth Day. This community event, held annually in New York City, brings together dozens of young people for a full day of workshops, cultural performances and presentations. The peer-to-peer sessions will also allow the participants to acquire essential leadership skills, as they receive training to lead discussions and help facilitate Youth Day.