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Outreach Pre-College Arts Program

  • Cooper Union
  • 212-353-4202
Age 15-19
Cost Free
Program type Weekend, Summer
Meets Saturdays 9am - 5pm, Jan.6 – Feb. 3, 2018.
Contact us
Deadline Dec. 4, 2017

Outreach Pre-College Arts Program

  • Cooper Union
  • 212-353-4202


The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art prepares talented students to make enlightened contributions to society


The Outreach Pre-College Art Program was created as a full scholarship program to high school students interested in pursuing a degree in art. The Outreach Program serves the needs of talented local high school students who would benefit most from a fully funded college level education. It helps students develop a portfolio worthy of art college admissions and scholarships. Professional artists and poets teach all courses, and Cooper Union undergraduates serve as teaching assistants. Instructional materials, field trip transportation, and museum admissions are provided at no cost.

All students are required to take drawing classes, with additional workshops in animation, printmaking, photography, 3D design and 2D design. Each Saturday concludes with a seminar on contemporary art issues, which encourages students to discuss, think critically, and write about current issues. This seminar often includes guest speakers as well as museum, gallery and artist studio visits throughout New York City.

Each season concludes in a celebration of student artwork with an exhibition at the Cooper Union, as well as a reading to showcase the poetry from the creative writing workshops.


Open To Students In Grades 10-12. Enrollment Is Limited To 18 Students Per Section. All Applicants Must Attend The Portfolio Review, With Artwork Ready For Viewing. The Portfolio Review For The Winter 2018 Program Will Take Place On Saturday December 9th From 10am To 2pm At 41 Cooper Sq. Bring 10 To 20 Pieces That You Feel Best Represent Your Abilities And Make Sure To Complete The Application Before The Review