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Age 14-18
Cost $2,800
Program type Weekday,Summer
Meets Summer 2019 Program: Monday, July 8-Friday, July 26, 2019
Languages English
Contact us
Deadline July 5, 2019


SVA's Pre-College Program is designed for high school students who want to enhance their creative skills, learn more about a particular field of art, develop a portfolio, and experience the challenges and triumphs that come with attending a dynamic visual arts college.


Summer Pre-College is an intensive three-week program that provides the experience of attending art school in the heart of New York City. Students are immersed in their chosen field of study through unique studio projects and instruction from SVA’s award-winning faculty. Classes are taught Monday through Friday from 9:00am-4:00pm and take place in SVA facilities. The program is further enhanced by a robust offering of evening and weekend chaperoned activities and events that take full advantage of the social and cultural life of New York City.

Pre-College is open to all students who are 14-18 years of age and will be enrolled in high school in Fall 2019. Approximately 400 students participate in the summer program and 200 students live in SVA housing. Students living in housing during the program must be mature, responsible and ready for the creative and personal freedom this program allows.

Students register for one course and will receive three college credits and a letter grade for the successful completion of the summer program.


Pre-College Is Open To All Students Ages 14 To 18 Who Will Be Enrolled In High School At The Time The Program Takes Place.