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Saturday Art Program

  • Cooper Union
  • 212.353.4108
Age 14-18
Cost Free
Program type Weekend
Meets Classes Meet On Saturdays From 10am-5pm, For Two Semesters Each School Year (October-December, And January- April).
Contact us
Deadline Sept. 20, 2017

Saturday Art Program

  • Cooper Union
  • 212.353.4108


The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art prepares talented students to make enlightened contributions to society


The Saturday Program is a free Art & Architecture Program for NYC public high school students. We offer free classes in Drawing, Graphic Design, Painting, Sculpture, Sound Composition, Architecture and Portfolio Preparation.

All classes include ‘hands-on’ studio work (with free classroom supplies), creative writing workshops, and field trips to cultural sites. All classes make field trips to museums, galleries and artists’ studios, and include Creative Writing workshops integrated into the visual arts curriculum. Each year the program culminates in April with a public Exhibition and Spoken Word Performance.

All high school seniors enrolled in the Saturday Program receive individual advisement on applying to colleges and preparing their art & architecture portfolios.

Students do not need prior experience.


The Saturday Program Only Accepts Students From New York City Public High Schools, Grades 9-12. (Recent Graduates And Students Of Ged Or Alternative Programs May Be Considered).