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Science And Technology Entry Program Academy, Baruch

  • Baruch College STEP (Science Technology Entry Program) Academy
  • +16463124298
Age 12-18
Cost Free
Program type Summer, After School
Meets Academic Year Program: Spring And Fall Semesters, Saturday Workshops From 9:00 Am Until 2 Pm. Summer Program: Four-Weeks Long, Monday Through Thursday Through The Month Of July.
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Deadline Sept. 22, 2017

Science And Technology Entry Program Academy, Baruch

  • Baruch College STEP (Science Technology Entry Program) Academy
  • +16463124298


Baruch College of the City University of New York remains dedicated to being a catalyst for the social, cultural, and financial mobility of a diverse student body, reflective of its historical mission.


The Baruch College STEP (Science and Technology Entry Program) Academy is a pre-college program for middle and high school students who are interested in pursuing careers in science and health related professions. The program invites qualified students to participate in workshops and college courses in math and science as well as SAT and college preparatory workshops.

Academic Year Program consists of:
Rigorous project-based courses in Math and Science
A college awareness course for younger grades that is designed to help students identify interests, set goals and develop an educational plan
Special lectures and workshops: Introductions to specialized fields in the health, science, math, and technology professions
Career Activities: Guest speakers, field trips, and conferences
Chance to compete in Science Bowls or Science Poster Presentations

Summer Program consists of:
Summer courses are usually more lab-based with more hands-on type activities and field trips throughout the city. Past programs have hada classes in renewable energy, engineering principles of bridges, biological systems, research methods for social sciences, among others.


Applicants Must: Be A Student Enrolled In Grades 7 -12 In The State Of New York With Good Academic Standing (Minimum Grade Point Average Of 80) Be A New York State Resident For A Minimum Of 12 Months Before Applying To The Program Be A Member Of A Historically Underrepresented Group (As Defined By The New York State Education Department) In The Scientific, Technical, Health-Related, And Licensed Professions. This Includes African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American Indian, And Alaskan Native. Or Must Be Economically Disadvantaged.