Torus is currently available for New York City. Tell us to come to your city next

Age 16-19
Cost Free
Program type After School,Weekend
Meets Spring 2018 March To May. Dates Tbd.
Contact us
Deadline Feb. 18, 2018


Alley Pond Environmental Center is dedicated to the environmental education of children and adults, protecting and preserving the many and varied habitats of Alley Pond Park, and advocating for sustainable environmental policies and practices.


Current high school seniors who have a passion for environmental science, urban ecology, and/or climate change, and have a specific project or research question they wish to study can use Alley Pond Environmental Center as their research base. Senior interns will work with Alley Pond Environmental Center's Upper Grades & Volunteer Coordinator to complete this project in one semester.


Current High School Seniors With A Strong Passion For Environmental Science. Previous Experience In Alley Pond Environmental Center's Field Biology Internship (Fbi) Recommended But Not Required.