Torus is currently available for New York City. Tell us to come to your city next

Age 18-24
Cost Free
Program type After School, Weekend
Meets Monday-Thursday From 6:00pm To 9:00pm And Saturdays From 9:30am To 4:30pm For 15 Consecutive Weeks
Contact us
Deadline Rolling


Opening doors to technology careers for individuals from often overlooked communities - Now in Brooklyn and Bronx


It’s the little things that count—in life and quality assurance. With curricula developed by Per Scholas and NYC employers, the NYC Tech Talent Pipeline’s Series A: QA program will provide you with the skills needed to excel in an entry-level career as a QA Tester. Through this program, you will gain exposure and knowledge of the technology and tools used to test products and diagnose problems – all while building a portfolio of work to share with employers. An added focus on topics like interviewing skills and customer service advance your professional development.

Developed in partnership with Per Scholas and NYC’s leading employers, this 15-week, part-time program will prepare you for an entry-level job as a QA Tester. Upon completion of the program, participants will be able to kick start a new career armed with the skills and the confidence to launch a professional career as a QA tester.


To Apply You Must: Live In Nyc Be 18 Years Old Or Older Have A High School Diploma Or Ged Be A Us Citizen Or Permanent Resident, Or Authorization To Work In The Us Have Never Been Employed (Full-Time Or Part-Time) As An It Engineer Currently Earn Less Than $30,000 A Year (Or Be Unemployed) Meet All Federal Selective Service Requirements (See Www.Sss.Gov) Be Able To Attend Classes During The Entire 20 Weeks. No Prior It Or Web Development Experience Needed