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Summer Youth Employment Program

  • Phipps Community Development Corporation
  • +13473293929
Age 14-24
Cost Free
Program type Summer
Contact us
Deadline March 31, 2017

Summer Youth Employment Program

  • Phipps Community Development Corporation
  • +13473293929


Phipps Neighborhoods, provides children, youth and families in low-income neighborhoods the opportunities they need to thrive through comprehensive education and career programs, and access to community services.


Each year since 1995, the Phipps Neighborhoods Summer Youth Employment Program has provided young people aged 14-24 with a meaningful employment experience, as well as a summer income.Phipps Neighborhoods partners with reputable NYC employers to provide diverse work experiences that help youth develop: Genuine workplace skills, Career awareness and employment goals, Interpersonal skills and self-confidence, Financial literacy and money management skills, Teamwork, communication, and professional conduct.

Summer Youth Employment participants have gained valuable experience at:
Retail stores,Nonprofit and community–based groups,Real estate firms,Health care organizations,New York City agencies and Museums