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The Art Center

  • Dream Yard Project
  • 718.588.8007
Age 5-21
Cost Free
Program type After School, Weekend
Meets Tuesday 4-6pm: Dance Wednesday 4-6pm: Beatyard Wednesday 6-8pm: 10th Grade Sat Prep Thursday 4-6pm: Photo/Video Production & Spoken Word Poetry Saturday 10am-3pm: Bronx Acting Ensemble & Action
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The Art Center

  • Dream Yard Project
  • 718.588.8007


DreamYard collaborates with Bronx youth, families and schools to build pathways to equity and opportunity through the arts.


The Art Center offers nationally-recognized programming across different art forms that include theatre, poetry, dance, visual arts, photography, video, music and audio production, fashion design, and Maker projects. At the Art Center, 5-21 year olds access the arts, leadership development opportunities, and academic and social supports such as college preparation, social work services, and artist mentorship. Programs run after school and on weekends from October to May, with summer intensives in July.

Based on the core values of Empower, Create and Connect, the DreamYard Art Center Programs work to build the next generation of artists and activists through artistic rigor, academic enrichment, and a commitment to social justice. We also host Open Studio hours several afternoons a week, where students use our resources and staff to work on independent projects and continue to hone in newly developed tech and art skills. The Art Center Programs include: the A.C.T.I.O.N. Project, arts and community activism; the Bronx Acting Ensemble (BAE), theater and playwriting; the Bronx Art Collective (BAC), visual art and curating; and the Bronx Poetry Project (BPP), poetry performance and writing; Rhyme Factory, hip-hop culture and performance, and a series of digital learning programs.

Tuesday 4-6pm
Dance (Hip Hop and Contemporary)

Wednesday 4-6pm
BeatYard (Digital Music Production)

Wednesday 6-8pm
10th Grade SAT Prep

Thursday 4-6pm
Photo/Video Production
Spoken Word Poetry

Saturday 10am-3pm
Bronx Acting Ensemble(Theatre)
ACTION (only for juniors, summer commitment required)