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Variety Boys & Girls Club Of Queens, Inc.

  • Variety Boys & Girls Club of Queens, Inc.
  • 718-728-0946
Age 11-18
Cost $35 For The School Year (Or Less If The Family Cannot Afford It)
Program type After School, Summer
Meets 2:30 Pm-7 Pm Daily
Contact us
Deadline Rolling

Variety Boys & Girls Club Of Queens, Inc.

  • Variety Boys & Girls Club of Queens, Inc.
  • 718-728-0946


We are the largest after-school program in Western Queens, providing a broad range of youth programs.


We offer a wide range of after school programs in five core areas:
personal & educational development
citizenship & leadership development
cultural enrichment
health & physical education
social recreation

Our membership options run from September – August each year and are designed to allow for each family to choose the option which best suits their needs. We try very hard to be more than just a place, and relish the opportunity to play an important role in the development of your children. There are several different forms of membership available:

Afterschool Crew Membership: Your child is entitled to attend all afterschool days in the school year. Members will have access to participate in all programs (including fee based programs) offered Mondays-Fridays from 2:30pm-7:00pm. i.e: Acting, Music, Computers, Homework Help, Free Swim, BGCA programs, Open Gym (organized by age) recreational activities and MORE!!

Afterschool Crew Gold Membership: Your child is entitled to attend all afterschool days AND vacation days in the school year, Sept-June.

Half Day Pass: The ability to attend the Club on All Public School Half Days.