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Young Artist Kollective

  • Children's Museum of the Arts
  • +12122741776
Age 11-15
Cost Free
Program type After School
Meets October 5, 2017 - May 28, 2018 Thursdays 4 To 6 Pm
Contact us
Deadline Rolling

Young Artist Kollective

  • Children's Museum of the Arts
  • +12122741776


We introduce children and their families to the transformative power of the arts by providing opportunities to make art side-by-side with working artists.


Children's Museum of the Arts’s Young Artist Kollective (YAK), is a free program that provides emerging young artists in 6th-9th grade with exclusive studio space and materials, artistic and technical guidance, opportunities to meet with guest artists, monthly art parties, and a chance to learn about professional opportunities across the art world.

In YAK, members get to pick a collaborative group topic, choosing from a list of available art mediums including screen printing, animation, fashion design, sound recording, and more.


For 6th - 9th Graders