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Youthbridge Fellowship

  • YouthBridge
  • 212-983-4800
Age 15-17
Cost Free
Program type After School
Meets Aug-June
Contact us
Deadline March 31, 2017

Youthbridge Fellowship

  • YouthBridge
  • 212-983-4800


YouthBridge-NY engages promising teens and provides them with the skills and understanding to strengthen their communities.


High school juniors and seniors from diverse backgrounds participate in intensive trainings on leadership and diversity.

The fellowship kicks off in late August with an overnight orientation retreat, where participants get to know each other through team-building games, outdoor activities, and workshops on topics like diversity, social justice, and leadership.

Throughout the first year of the program, first-year teen Fellows participate in skill-building workshops and team-based learning opportunities; second year Bridgers are immersed in experiential learning opportunities and mentoring with successful professionals.

Each YouthBridge-NY fellowship year concludes with an End-of-Year Celebration and Bridger Graduation in June. In addition, throughout the fellowship, Fellows and Bridgers are invited to participate in volunteer opportunities, group outings, and other special events. As YouthBridge-NY alumni will tell you, the varied aspects of the YouthBridge-NY fellowship come together to create lasting friendships and an amazing network of support for years to come.


Only Open To 10th Graders For Participation During Their Junior And Senior Years