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Ali Forney Drop-In-Center

  • The Ali Forney Center
  • 212-206-0574
Age 16-24
Cost Free
Program type After School,Weekday,Weekend,Summer
Meets Drop-In
Contact us
Deadline None

Ali Forney Drop-In-Center

  • The Ali Forney Center
  • 212-206-0574


Our mission is to protect LGBTQ youths from the harms of homelessness and empower them with the tools needed to live independently.


Conveniently located near the 125th subway stop in Harlem, the Drop-In Center is where any lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender-non-conforming, gender-fluid, queer and questioning youth (16-24) can access 3 meals/day, medical care, mental health services, showers/laundry, career and education development and more.

The Drop-In Center is also AFC’s central intake location. All youth participate in a full assessment of their acute physical and mental health needs. This thorough intake includes information on their history of care, exposure to abuse, current and past housing situation, alcohol and substance use, emotional well-being, feelings about their LGBTQ identity, HIV risk assessment, food security, exposure to trauma and mental health needs.

In January of 2015, the Drop-In Center became the nation’s first 24-hour drop-in program for homeless LGBTQ youth. Weekend and overnight hours are when LGBTQ homeless youth are most vulnerable and when services often aren’t available to them. Our Drop-In Center is a place where LGBTQ youth can come for meals, showers, clothing, HIV support, mental health services, and case management at any time – day or night.

Initial Intake Support
Medical Checkup
Psychiatric Evaluation
HIV Counseling and Testing
Medicaid Enrollment
Warm Meals
Hot Showers
Clean Clothing
24 Hour access to services

Ongoing Support
Group Therapy
Mental Health Counseling
Support Groups
Continued Medical Care
Case Management
Recreational Activities that provide structure and focus
Prevention & Treatment Adherence Counseling
Mental Health Groups & Support Counseling


Lgbtq Youth (16-24) Experiencing Homelessness Or Unstable Housing