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Cue Teen Collective

  • CUE Art Foundation
  • (212)206-3583
    Age 15-19
    Cost Free
    Program type After School
    Meets Thursdays, 4:30 - 6:30pm. October 2017 - May 2018
    Food provided Yes
    Contact us
    Deadline Oct. 1, 2021

    Cue Teen Collective


    The CUE Teen Collective is a free, after school program designed for NYC high school students interested in art careers. Participants meet on Thursday afternoons from October through May to investigate the contemporary art world, develop professional skills, and produce a group exhibition in CUE’s gallery space. The CUE Teen Collective aims to cultivate teens’ personal artistic voices and to expand their notions of what art can be and how artists function within the world today. We pay particular attention to collaboration, non-traditional art and artists, and hybrid career paths. Through field trips, engagement with CUE’s exhibiting artists, and conversations with art professionals, participants are offered unique access to NYC’s art world.

    Classes take place at CUE Art Foundation, located in Manhattan's Chelsea/Flatiron district. The program includes an active field trip schedule to locations around NYC. Participants should be comfortable independently navigating the subway system.

    The program begins on October 12th, 2017 and runs through May 31st, 2018. Classes take place on Thursday afternoons, from 4:30 to 6:30PM.


    Fill out the application form online by midnight on Thursday, September 28th. The application will ask students to answer a short questionnaire and submit two samples of creative work.

    Selected applicants will be invited to interview on Thursday, October 5th.


    We're Looking For Nyc High School Students In Grades 10 And 11 Who Are Interested In Exploring Careers In The Arts (Future Professional Artists, Curators, Art Critics, Publishers, And More).