Torus is currently available for New York City. Tell us to come to your city next

Age 15-18
Cost Free
Program type Summer
Contact us
Deadline March 9, 2018


To provide underserved students with hands-on science and engineering educational and mentorship experiences such that they can thrive in the high tech economy of tomorrow.


The Hk Maker Lab is a six-week summer program at Columbia University to learn the foundations of design. Students will learn the fundamentals of engineering design from Columbia faculty while performing hands-on experiments in the Biomedical Engineering lab. Participants will learn how to use programming, circuit-building, 3D printing, laser cutting, and more to create complex biomedical devices. Student teams will focus on addressing a global health problem, and will work in teams to design, prototype and test a biomedical device and develop an associated business plan. The program will culminate in a presentation to leading executives from the biomedical community. Students can then go on to paid research internships at a lab at Columbia University or a bio-tech startup.


You Must Attend A Nyc High School And Either Qualify For Free Or Reduced Priced Lunch (Frpl) Or Attend A School That Has A Population Where 50% Or More Students Qualify For Frpl (You Can Look Your School Up On Http://Insideschools.Org/ If You're Not Sure).