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Roads To Success After School

    Age 10-14
    Cost Free
    Program type After School
    Contact us
    Deadline Rolling

    Roads To Success After School


    Roads to Success aims to promote the academic, social, emotional, and professional development of youth by delivering enriching academic and recreational programming, as well as a college access and career development curriculum. We engage young minds from Kindergarten through young adulthood to foster self-confidence, maturity, responsibility, and positive self-expression to encourage students to build pathways to the fulfillment of their goals.


    Roads to Success at MS 839 offers a robust range of activities including Lego City Planning, Visual Arts, Sports and Dance. We focus on leadership and college readiness through our Future Leaders Workshops and College Now classes....


    Students In 6th-8th Grades. Must Be Able To Travel To And From Program. Program Does Not Offer Pick Up Services.