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Manahatta To Manhattan: The New York City Ecosystem

  • Marymount Manhattan College
    Age 16-19
    Cost $1900 (Including Housing)
    Program type Summer
    Meets (7/17/2022-7/23/2022)
    Languages None
    Contact us
    Deadline March 21, 2022

    Manahatta To Manhattan: The New York City Ecosystem


    Come explore the urban environment of the most populous city in the United States! New York City (NYC) is situated on what was once a forested island known as “Manahatta.” This mega city was an ecological hotspot that now serves the needs of over 8.5 million people. Students will investigate the past, present, and future of the NYC urban ecosystem through field trips to sites integral to the health and sustainability of the city. Students will also design and perform their own short ecological study, delving into the world of scientific inquiry. During this program, students will gain a unique understanding of New York City’s environment as well gain valuable experience planning and performing a scientific experiment and analyzing and presenting scientific data. Students will gain skills that will help prepare them for success when they enter college-level science courses.


    These Precollege Intensives Are Tailored Toward Rising High School Juniors And Seniors And Are Open To Any High School Student Who Will Be 16 Years Of Age On Or Before July 1, 2022.