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  • Central Park Conservancy
  • 212.310.6600
Age 14-18
Cost Free
Program type After School, Weekend
Meets October – November: Saturdays, 10:00 Am – 1:00 Pm March – May: Saturdays, 10:00 Am – 1:00 Pm April – May: Tuesdays And Thursdays, 4:30 Pm – 6:30 Pm
Contact us
Deadline Sept. 15, 2017


  • Central Park Conservancy
  • 212.310.6600


The mission of Central Park Conservancy is to restore, manage, and enhance Central Park in partnership with the public.


How many teens can say they’ve planted trees in Central Park? All of our ROOTS students can!

ROOTS (Restoration of the Outdoors Organized by Teen Students) is a service-learning program for high school students. Each spring and fall, students participate in a semester-long project to restore and manage Central Park’s woodlands. Under the supervision of Conservancy staff, students maintain rustic trails, remove invasive plants, and cultivate native shrubs, trees, and wildflowers.

ROOTS was created by the Conservancy in 2003 as a way for high school students to learn about the value of urban parks through active participation in restoration practices.

This program fulfills community service requirements. Acceptance is through a competitive application process. Grades 9-12.