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Reality Check

  • Tobacco Free Staten Island
  • 718.475.5277
Age 12-18
Cost Free
Program type After School
Food provided Yes
Contact us
Deadline Rolling

Reality Check


Reality Check of Tobacco-Free Staten Island is a teen-led adult supported program housed at the Staten Island JCC with the goal of decreasing the social acceptability of tobacco products. Reality Check youth throughout New York State strive to produce change in our communities through grassroots education, mobilization, political education and media campaigns. Youth are equipped with the knowledge to combat the manipulative tactics of the tobacco industry and take a stance on issues such as Point of Sale marketing, Tobacco-Free Outdoors, Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing and Smoke Free Media.


Teens meet weekly, make new friends and discuss issues that involve them. Furthermore they are empowered to create a change and write letters, speak directly to elected officials, travel to Albany annually, attend annual shareholders meeting for Philip Morris, and yearly youth summits and more.