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Tech Flex Leaders

Age 15-18
Cost Free
Program type Weekend
Meets Once Per Week
Languages None
Food provided Yes
Contact us
Deadline April 21, 2019


New York On Tech's (NYOT) mission is to prepare the next generation of technology leaders emerging from New York City by creating pathways for students to thrive in technology and innovation.


The Tech Flex Leaders Program is an 9 month immersive out-of-school time program for juniors and seniors enrolled in a NYC high school. The program embeds weekly computer science and technology classes at local companies, offers mentorship with industry professionals and provides access to professional opportunities with NYC technology companies such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more! Students selected are uniquely positioned to develop a portfolio of technology projects that illustrate a fundamental understanding of front and back-end web development. ​Additional benefits include: Access to college / university partnerships; Extra-curriculars to enhance your admissions credentials; ​Access to professional internship opportunities ​and technology mentors; A network of friends from different high schools across the city​.


Applicants For Our 2019 - 2020 Cohort Must: Be A Current Sophomore Or Junior In A Nyc High School At The Time Of Application Be A Junior Or Senior In A Nyc High School By September 2019 Be Interested In Careers In Computer Science / Technology Be Available For Workshops After School Or On Weekends Once Per Week During The 2019 - 2020 School Year Be Eligible For Free Or Reduced Price Lunch Demonstrate Dedication, Passion And Leadership