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Teen Enrichment Programs

  • Mid-Bronx MBSCC
  • 718-410-6735 Ext 1342
    Age 15-18
    Cost Free
    Program type After School, Summer, Weekend
    Contact us
    Deadline Rolling

    Teen Enrichment Programs


    From human services to housing development, from economic revitalization to community empowerment, all the programs and initiatives of the Mid-Bronx Council Services (MBCS) are designed to accomplish the following goals:
    •To enhance the quality of life for residents of the South Bronx.
    •To ensure they are afforded the opportunity for economic and social well-being that will enable them to remain in the community and live with dignity for themselves and their surroundings.
    •To encourage them to become vocal, active and positive contributors to, and forces in their community


    After School, Summer Day Camp, Saturday Art Initiative