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Williamsburg Leadership Center

  • El Puente De Williamsburg, Inc.
  • 718-387-0404
    Age 13-19
    Cost Free
    Program type After School
    Meets Mon - Fri, 3pm - 7pm
    Contact us
    Deadline Rolling

    Williamsburg Leadership Center


    To inspire and nurture leaders for peace and justice.


    The Williamsburg Leadership Center offers a free comprehensive afterschool program for teens ages 13-19, that integrates El Puente’s signature Membership model that focuses on holistic leadership development, one to one mentoring and project based service learning. The year round program activities include academic enrichment and support, college prep and transition support for youth and their families, health and wellness, internships, gender groups, leadership training and pre professional training in the visual and performing arts.


    Must Be 13-19 Years Old.