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Woodland Ecology Research Mentorship (Werm)

  • Wave Hill
  • +17185493200
    Age 14-19
    Cost Stipend Of $1700
    Program type Summer, Weekend, Year Round
    Contact us
    Deadline April 2, 2017

    Woodland Ecology Research Mentorship (Werm)


    Wave Hill is a 28-acre public garden and cultural center in the Bronx overlooking the Hudson River and Palisades. Its mission is to celebrate the artistry and legacy of its gardens and landscapes, to preserve its magnificent views, and to explore human connections to the natural world through programs in horticulture, education and the arts.


    Wave Hill’s Woodland Ecology Research Mentorship is a 14-month program offering motivated New York City high school students a unique opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of the principles of ecology, focusing particularly on ecological restoration in New York City, and to participate in important field research with working scientists―all while getting paid!

    Summer 2017: Five days per week for approximately 30 hours per week
    The program begins with two intensive courses—Mapping NYC's Urban Environment: An Intro to GIS and Restoration of NYC Natural Areas—through the College of Mount Saint Vincent. Each combines formal instruction with hands-on work in the field and in a computer lab. The summer also includes data collection in Wave Hill's woodlands, guest speakers, field trips and review sessions. By the end of this first summer, students have been exposed to the principles of forest and restoration ecology, standard methods for data collection and the use of GIS as a tool for scientific inquiry and analysis.

    Academic Year 2017–2018: Approximately four days per month, mostly Saturdays, for approximately 6 hours per week
    The academic year is dedicated to building an understanding of the different methodologies used in scientific research, as well as to acquiring knowledge of the ecology of New York City’s natural areas. Through a series of weekend (and occasional after-school) WERMShops, students meet local scientists, read scientific journals, explore local natural areas and practice data-collection methods using GPS and GIS.

    Summer 2018: Five days per week for approximately 30 hours per week
    The second summer, each participant spends time working on small-group research projects with his or her mentor, and putting in an additional 10 to 15 hours a week working with his or her team. The projects culminate in a final poster which is presented at a celebratory graduation symposium in August.


    - Currently Enrolled In The 9th, 10th Or 11th Grade In A New York City High School - Strong Interest In Science Research And The Urban Environment - Strong Academic Record, Especially In The Sciences - Ability And Motivation To Work Independently"