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Young Adult Literacy Program (Yalp)

  • United Activities Unlimited
    Age 16-24
    Cost Free
    Program type Weekday
    Meets Monday – Friday 3:00 Pm – 8:00 Pm
    Contact us
    Deadline Rolling

    Young Adult Literacy Program (Yalp)


    The Young Adult Literacy Program (YALP) is a partnership with the Mayor’s Center for Economic Opportunity (CEO) for youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who lack the reading, writing and/or math skills needed to enroll in a General Educational Development (GED) Tests Preparation Program.
    Participants receive pre-GED basic skills training along with full support services. Students with an 80% average attendance rate may also participate in the paid internship component of the program. Services are currently provided by 8 community-based organizations and 9 public library program sites run by the City’s three public library systems.

    Programs may offer Metro Cards and other small incentives to encourage and reward regular attendance and participation.


    For Youth Between The Ages Of 16-24 Who Lack The Reading, Writing And/Or Math Skills Needed To Enroll In A General Educational Development (Ged) Tests Preparation Program.